We’re very pleased to announce the start of Small Group Training at Advance Physical Therapy! This new offering will take your journey to a new level. You don’t need to be a patient to join, however, we can combine your physical therapy program with more exercise and resistance training. Once our patients are feeling &… Continue Reading →
Video Library: Squat
Squats are one of the first movements that come to mind when we think of exercising or lifting weights. It’s an extremely useful exercise to gain and maintain strength in your legs. A strong squat will help a lot with getting in and out of a chair. Stairs and curbs become far easier to manage…. Continue Reading →
Video Library: Split Squat
Split Squats are basically lunges performed in place. The ‘split’ refers to a split stance, which means one foot in front of the other. Single leg strength is an incredibly useful quality to train and improve. Balance, walking, hiking, running, climbing stairs, and nearly every sport have a heavy single leg emphasis. If I could… Continue Reading →
Video Library: Ring Row
I am big fan of the Ring Row for fitness. It can be done with a TRX, gymnastics rings, pull-up bar, or a fixed barbell. This bodyweight resistance exercise is easily modified for different levels of fitness and physical ability. I describe and demonstrate the Ring Row for fitness here. If you’ve reviewed our previous… Continue Reading →
Philip DeNigris CSCS, LMT, PRT
As a personal trainer at Advance Physical Therapy, Phil provides workouts that compliment Postural Restoration concepts and principles. In this way, your workouts will enhance your PRI program, as well as improve your general fitness. His unique experience and training allows him to work with a wide range of people, especially in the context of post-physical… Continue Reading →
What does it mean to be “hypermobile”?
If you are hypermobile, you may be “double-jointed” or very flexible. Are you someone able to perform splits easily, put your feet behind your head, or flatten your hands to the floor without bending your knees? If you are an older adult, maybe you were able to perform these movements easily when you were a… Continue Reading →
Telehealth by Physical Therapists?
The worldwide shift in our lives from COVID 19 has quickly made “Telehealth” a household word. You may wonder, how can a physical therapist treat a patient without using their hands? In fact, there are many ways your PT can effectively assess and treat your physical ailments via Telehealth. For physical therapy, we call it… Continue Reading →
What’s bite got to do with it?
At Advance Physical Therapy, you might hear your physical therapist ask you questions about your dental history. “Do you clench or grind your teeth?” or “Do your back molars touch when you bite down?”. At first, these questions might not seem to relate to your musculoskeletal symptoms of neck, back, or hip pain. However, the… Continue Reading →
Scoliosis Education Opportunity for Clinicians
A 3 Dimensional Approach for the Conservative Treatment of Scoliosis This introductory lecture and lab course is designed to teach the physical therapist assessment and treatment techniques for patients with curvature of the spine. Participants will gain a greater understanding of scoliosis as a 3 dimensional asymmetry with attention given to effects of scoliosis on… Continue Reading →
We’re Hiring PT’s for Adult and Pediatric Spine Care
We are looking for physical therapists with at least 3 years of outpatient experience, manual skills and an interest in knowing more about the Postural Restoration approach. Initiative, Postural Restoration experience and or certification, creativity and a passion for healing are all a plus. We actively support our therapists in the process of Postural Restoration… Continue Reading →
Scoliosis Resources
Check out our new Scoliosis Resource Page. You will find references and resources for current research, and recommendations for conservative treatment of scoliosis and spine deformity. We hope you find these helpful as you consider your options for management of scoliosis and spine deformity. If you have resources of your own you would like us… Continue Reading →
Treatment of Scoliosis: 2018 International Recommendations
The international community came together this April 2018 to review current best practices and international recommendations for conservative treatment of scoliosis. Dubrovnik, Croatia, a beautiful, ancient city on the Mediterranean coast, was the wonderful site of this year’s SOSORT gathering. SOSORT, the Society of Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment, is dedicated to the aim of… Continue Reading →
Scoliosis: 2017 Year in Review
Scoliosis and spinal deformity were easily “key words” for Advance Physical Therapy in 2017. In the past year we have immersed ourselves beyond our specialized patient treatments. We have moved into the realms of writing and teaching about our unique and powerful approach to scoliosis. This summer, our chapter in the international publication: “Innovations in… Continue Reading →
Innovations in Spinal Deformities and Postural Disorders – PUBLISHED!
Innovations in Spinal Deformities and Postural Disorders is now published. For authors: Susan Henning, Lisa Mangino and myself, this was a most welcome notification. Our chapter is titled : “Postural Restoration: A Tri-Planar Asymmetrical Framework for Understanding, Assessing, and Treating Scoliosis and Other Spinal Dysfunctions”. This is the culmination of years of work in developing… Continue Reading →
Restoring Posture and Movement in Frail and Elderly Patients
Frail and elderly patients are a challenging and rewarding group to effectively rehabilitate. I’m reaching out to those in the community who have interest in geriatrics, PRI or both. I hope you can join us for PRI for Geriatrics at Advance Physical Therapy in Chapel Hill, NC on September 9-10th, 2017. This is a unique, clinically oriented course that focuses on frail and elderly patients… Continue Reading →
What is Scoliosis Specific Exercise?
Scoliosis can have many forms. We have general categories for scoliosis and spine curvatures, but each is unique. Scoliosis Specific Exercise are designed to balance scoliosis curves. They address the unique curvatures of each person. Asymmetry is something all scoliosis curves have in common. Asymmetries occur in 3 dimensions: 1) Front to back, 2) Side… Continue Reading →
Spine Fusion Treatment with Postural Restoration
Patients and therapists often feel there is nothing to treat once the spine is fused. They feel it is too late. Patients can feel “stuck” in their fused postures and struggle with bending, turning and walking. Pain may develop in joints that are misused to make up for lost movement after fusion. Patients are often… Continue Reading →
Scoliosis and the Importance of Early Intervention
If you are reading this, there’s a good chance you or your child has scoliosis. I’m going to guess you have a pretty good sense of what scoliosis is. The most frustrating part for you might be trying to figure out what to do about it. Your MD may have said, “Come back in 4-6… Continue Reading →
The Importance of Arm Swing During Walking and Running
Arm swing is becoming a forgotten part of walking. We live in an era of cell phones, groceries, strollers, large purses and any number of other growing encumbrances. The ability to swing our arms freely is being lost. We forget that as mammals who happen to be up on two legs that our arms continue… Continue Reading →
Are High Arches Giving You Knee Pain?
Here is an image of a person with knee pain in her athletic footwear: I am likely to find knee pain in this body because of the “attitude” depicted above at the feet. When the feet and shoes roll outward, weight is no longer distributed evenly through the whole foot as intended at rest. This… Continue Reading →
Postural Restoration Institute® (PRI) Method, Schroth Scoliosis Rehab, Inc. and now A Third Method to Conservatively Treat Scoliosis at Advance Physical Therapy Lisa Mangino, pediatric physical therapist from Advance Physical Therapy, traveled to Avanti Therapy in Boulder, Colorado in September to learn about the Scientific Exercises Approach to Scoliosis (SEAS) method. The speakers, Michele Romano… Continue Reading →
Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic & Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT)
SOSORT is an international scientific research society dedicated to furthering the most effective treatment of scoliosis by conservative methods. This society, made up of MD’s, PT’s and Orthotists meets yearly. SOSORT 2016 took place in May in Banff, Canada. This year’s meeting was specifically organized as a joint meeting with IRSSD (International Research Society of… Continue Reading →
Chronic Pain in Physical Therapy Students
Our own, Jean Massé, PT, DPT, PRC, OCS, ATC is an adjunct professor at The University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. She teaches physical therapy students about chronic pain, scoliosis and diagnosis. Over the years of her teaching at UNC Chapel Hill, she has had many students approach her with their own chronic pain… Continue Reading →
Summer Heat May Reveal Developing Scoliosis
Summertime – green and gorgeous, heat waves that influence us to wear the minimum clothing needed, bathing suits, sports and camps. This is often the first opportunity parents have to notice scoliosis forming in their growing adolescent’s spine. There may be differences in the height of the child’s shoulders. One hip may appear “shifted” out… Continue Reading →
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