If you are hypermobile, you may be “double-jointed” or very flexible. Are you someone able to perform splits easily, put your feet behind your head, or flatten your hands to the floor without bending your knees? If you are an older adult, maybe you were able to perform these movements easily when you were a… Continue Reading →
Spine Fusion Treatment with Postural Restoration
Patients and therapists often feel there is nothing to treat once the spine is fused. They feel it is too late. Patients can feel “stuck” in their fused postures and struggle with bending, turning and walking. Pain may develop in joints that are misused to make up for lost movement after fusion. Patients are often… Continue Reading →
Scoliosis and the Importance of Early Intervention
If you are reading this, there’s a good chance you or your child has scoliosis. I’m going to guess you have a pretty good sense of what scoliosis is. The most frustrating part for you might be trying to figure out what to do about it. Your MD may have said, “Come back in 4-6… Continue Reading →
Nutrition: A Missing Link in Joint Pain
Nutrition may be your missing link? At Advance Physical Therapy, we are interested in more than the parts of you that hurt. We want to know how your whole system is working together (or not). Because of this, we often ask about your general fitness, hearing and vision. In addition, we will likely ask about… Continue Reading →
Chronic Pain in Physical Therapy Students
Our own, Jean Massé, PT, DPT, PRC, OCS, ATC is an adjunct professor at The University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. She teaches physical therapy students about chronic pain, scoliosis and diagnosis. Over the years of her teaching at UNC Chapel Hill, she has had many students approach her with their own chronic pain… Continue Reading →