Frail and elderly patients are a challenging and rewarding group to effectively rehabilitate.
I’m reaching out to those in the community who have interest in geriatrics, PRI or both. I hope you can join us for PRI for Geriatrics at Advance Physical Therapy in Chapel Hill, NC on September 9-10th, 2017.
This is a unique, clinically oriented course that focuses on frail and elderly patients at any level of function. Improve posture, respiration and gait using a structured, global framework with patients at any level of function. We will work with patients in bed, recliners, and upright supported postures. The course is designed for: PTs, PTAs, OTs and COTAs, nurses and home health aides working with: geriatric patients, frail patients, patients with chronic pain or post surgical limitations.
You will leave the course with new and innovative methods to assess gait and gait readiness. Movement dysfunction and related pain problems will become evident through movement testing that is done with the patient sitting or lying down. The manual provided in the course includes depictions of structured movement testing and over 100 movement activities specifically designed for this population (with 30 newly updated in 2016).
Here is a link to the PRI website with information on this PRI for Geriatrics course, including a video with instructor James Anderson describing what we can expect to learn from this entry level course. You don’t need prior PRI experience, so come join us!