We’re very pleased to announce the start of Small Group Training at Advance Physical Therapy! This new offering will take your journey to a new level. You don’t need to be a patient to join, however, we can combine your physical therapy program with more exercise and resistance training. Once our patients are feeling &… Continue Reading →
Video Library: Squat
Squats are one of the first movements that come to mind when we think of exercising or lifting weights. It’s an extremely useful exercise to gain and maintain strength in your legs. A strong squat will help a lot with getting in and out of a chair. Stairs and curbs become far easier to manage…. Continue Reading →
Video Library: Split Squat
Split Squats are basically lunges performed in place. The ‘split’ refers to a split stance, which means one foot in front of the other. Single leg strength is an incredibly useful quality to train and improve. Balance, walking, hiking, running, climbing stairs, and nearly every sport have a heavy single leg emphasis. If I could… Continue Reading →
Video Library: Ring Row
I am big fan of the Ring Row for fitness. It can be done with a TRX, gymnastics rings, pull-up bar, or a fixed barbell. This bodyweight resistance exercise is easily modified for different levels of fitness and physical ability. I describe and demonstrate the Ring Row for fitness here. If you’ve reviewed our previous… Continue Reading →
Video Library: Single Leg Hip Hinge
The Single Leg Hip Hinge is my favorite for building hip muscles (hamstrings and butt) while minimizing wear and tear on the knees and spine. The Single Leg Hip Hinge is a great combination of strength, balance, and keeps us protecting our spines. Single Leg Hip Hinges can be modified in a variety of ways… Continue Reading →
Video Library: The Push-Up
The push-up is one of the basics of any strength program. It’s a versatile exercise. It can be scaled up or down for most any fitness level. The easiest way to do a push-up is against a wall. The hardest way to do a pushup is in a handstand. Somewhere in between those two points,… Continue Reading →
Philip DeNigris CSCS, LMT, PRT
As a personal trainer at Advance Physical Therapy, Phil provides workouts that compliment Postural Restoration concepts and principles. In this way, your workouts will enhance your PRI program, as well as improve your general fitness. His unique experience and training allows him to work with a wide range of people, especially in the context of post-physical… Continue Reading →
Surviving the Gym with Sensory Awareness
Getting to the gym to exercise with the intention of improving fitness and wellness is a great challenge and therefore a great achievement when accomplished. It is, however, beyond disheartening to see people in their chosen exercise routines working really hard at hurting themselves, either with their “trainers” or on their own. Most of us… Continue Reading →