About Advance Physical Therapy: a longstanding physical therapist owned practice that offers quality rehabilitation to clients in Chapel Hill, Durham, Carrboro, Pittsboro, Cary and surrounding areas of the Triangle in North Carolina. We have been practicing since 1997 Our therapists are highly experienced/certified in traditional physical therapy techniques and have specialized expertise in a variety… Continue Reading →
Video Library: Ring Row
I am big fan of the Ring Row for fitness. It can be done with a TRX, gymnastics rings, pull-up bar, or a fixed barbell. This bodyweight resistance exercise is easily modified for different levels of fitness and physical ability. I describe and demonstrate the Ring Row for fitness here. If you’ve reviewed our previous… Continue Reading →
Video Library: The Push-Up
The push-up is one of the basics of any strength program. It’s a versatile exercise. It can be scaled up or down for most any fitness level. The easiest way to do a push-up is against a wall. The hardest way to do a pushup is in a handstand. Somewhere in between those two points,… Continue Reading →
Scoliosis: 2017 Year in Review
Scoliosis and spinal deformity were easily “key words” for Advance Physical Therapy in 2017. In the past year we have immersed ourselves beyond our specialized patient treatments. We have moved into the realms of writing and teaching about our unique and powerful approach to scoliosis. This summer, our chapter in the international publication: “Innovations in… Continue Reading →
Scoliosis and the Importance of Early Intervention
If you are reading this, there’s a good chance you or your child has scoliosis. I’m going to guess you have a pretty good sense of what scoliosis is. The most frustrating part for you might be trying to figure out what to do about it. Your MD may have said, “Come back in 4-6… Continue Reading →
Nutrition: A Missing Link in Joint Pain
Nutrition may be your missing link? At Advance Physical Therapy, we are interested in more than the parts of you that hurt. We want to know how your whole system is working together (or not). Because of this, we often ask about your general fitness, hearing and vision. In addition, we will likely ask about… Continue Reading →
The Importance of Arm Swing During Walking and Running
Arm swing is becoming a forgotten part of walking. We live in an era of cell phones, groceries, strollers, large purses and any number of other growing encumbrances. The ability to swing our arms freely is being lost. We forget that as mammals who happen to be up on two legs that our arms continue… Continue Reading →