Arm swing is becoming a forgotten part of walking. We live in an era of cell phones, groceries, strollers, large purses and any number of other growing encumbrances. The ability to swing our arms freely is being lost. We forget that as mammals who happen to be up on two legs that our arms continue… Continue Reading →
Physical Therapy Treatment for Shortness of Breath
One of the benefits of improving core strength through the Postural Restoration approach, is that is requires us to establish efficient breathing patterns ( In doing so, many of my patients that come in with back or neck pain subsequently report that their breathing has improved along with their pain reduction. I have recently seen… Continue Reading →
Wow! Science Helps Understand “Your Brain in Pain”
This is what a pain pathway, known as a “neurotag” might look like in your brain: Yup! Complicated. That’s a lot to take in isn’t it? The main idea though is that each person will experience pain in a unique way and in different parts of the brain, based on their experiences, perception, fear and… Continue Reading →
Release Your Neck!
Easier said than done, right? So why do necks stay so tight all the time? When we work with patients who have chronic neck pain and shoulder tension, we usually find dysfunctional breathing patterns directly related to poor core body postures. Did you know the best muscle for getting air into your body is the… Continue Reading →
A Breath of Fresh Air…….
Try this: Take a balloon or soda straw, sit down, lean over your knees, and try to blow into it for as long as you can. When you can’t possibly blow out any more, HOLD this position and ……….then……….wait ………..5…………. seconds before you attempt to breathe in again. This breathing OUT exercise should help you… Continue Reading →