As a personal trainer at Advance Physical Therapy, Phil provides workouts that compliment Postural Restoration concepts and principles. In this way, your workouts will enhance your PRI program, as well as improve your general fitness. His unique experience and training allows him to work with a wide range of people, especially in the context of post-physical… Continue Reading →
Scoliosis and the Importance of Early Intervention
If you are reading this, there’s a good chance you or your child has scoliosis. I’m going to guess you have a pretty good sense of what scoliosis is. The most frustrating part for you might be trying to figure out what to do about it. Your MD may have said, “Come back in 4-6… Continue Reading →
Nutrition: A Missing Link in Joint Pain
Nutrition may be your missing link? At Advance Physical Therapy, we are interested in more than the parts of you that hurt. We want to know how your whole system is working together (or not). Because of this, we often ask about your general fitness, hearing and vision. In addition, we will likely ask about… Continue Reading →
A Physical Therapist Describes Treatment at Advance Physical Therapy
Tell us about your experience at Advance Physical Therapy (APT) and how your function has improved since beginning physical therapy. My reason for coming to APT was to address a mild scoliosis. While not debilitating or the source of intractable pain, it has contributed to severe muscle tension throughout my shoulders and neck, and it… Continue Reading →
Postural Restoration for Children
At the last Capitol District Physical Therapy Association meeting, my colleague, Lisa Mangino, PT, DPT, PCS, C/NDT, PRC, offered a terrific presentation on how she uses principles of Postural Restoration with children. Lisa reminded participants that the human body is inherently asymmetrical and is biased toward patterns of extension. Sensory awareness of posture, the ground,… Continue Reading →
Schroth based Scoliosis Treatment in the Physical Therapy World
On 3/19/15, Jean Masse, PT, DPT, PRC, OCS, ATC, was invited to speak to the UNC Physical Therapy Class of 2017 about scoliosis. Jean gave an eloquent and enlightening presentation to these students, inviting them to explore rehabilitation techniques utilized in Europe for nearly 100 years, but only recognized in the US beginning in 2008…. Continue Reading →
Postural Restoration lends the support our bodies need
Support comes in many forms. I recently completed my certification in Postural Restoration (PRC). I could not have achieved this designation without the support of my co-workers at Advance Physical Therapy, the clients I care for, my family or the faculty at the Postural Restoration Institute. Postural Restoration is an exciting and effective approach to… Continue Reading →
Postural Restoration Institute™ Techniques in Children with Musculoskeletal Pain
Pictured left to right, with , Lisa Mangino, PT, DPT, PCS, C/NDT, PRC is Postural Restoration faculty Mike Cantrell, MPT, PRC, Ron Hruska, MPA, PT, founder of Postural Restoration Institute, and James Anderson, MPT, PRC. In December 2014, our pediatric physical therapist, Lisa Mangino, completed the requirements for obtaining the designation of Postural Restoration Institute™… Continue Reading →
Advance Physical Therapy and Fleet Feet Sports Wraps Up Winter Coat Collection for Area Children
Dear Friends, On October 19th we concluded our winter coat collection drive. Together with Fleet Feet Sports we were able to collect 28 winter coats. All of the donations went to the John Avery Boys and Girls Club of Durham; this organization provides a safe and warm place for kids to learn, grow and have… Continue Reading →
Do you have a balance problem?
Loss of balance and mobility are not inevitable as we grow older. Sudden falls in older individuals, however, are of concern because the incidence of balance problems is known to increase significantly with age. The number one indicator for fall risk is a previous fall. Other indications include symptoms of dizziness, lack of physical conditioning… Continue Reading →
Adolescent and Adult Scoliosis Advanced Treatment Certification
Susan Henning, Jean Masse, and Lisa Mangino have completed their advanced training in managing older adults with scoliosis. These therapists have already completed intensive training and certification (C1) in managing Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) using Schroth based Methods, from the Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School (BSPTS). The high level (C2) Schroth based certification program qualifies… Continue Reading →
Susan Henning PT, PRC Invited to Join SOSORT
In 2014, our own Susan Henning PT, PRC was again honored for her dedication to the progression of non-surgical treatment of scoliosis. She was invited to become a member of SOSORT – The ‘International Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment‘. She is one of only a handful of American Physical Therapists with this… Continue Reading →
“Nu-Schroth” Not “Schroth Method” Says Krista Lehnert-Schroth
At this year’s meeting of SOSORT, the International Society of Scoliosis Orthopaedic Rehabilitation and Treatment, in May, in Wiesbaden, Germany, I had the great honor of meeting Christa Lehnert-Schroth, PT, author of “Three Dimensional Treatment for Scoliosis’, director of the Katharina-Schroth Clinic until 1995 and daughter of Katharina Schroth, the founder of the Schroth Method… Continue Reading →
Advance Physical Therapy Treatment Featured at International Scoliosis Society Meeting
Wow! This has been an exciting week for Advance Physical Therapy and for a spotlight on our approach to conservative spine and scoliosis management. Advance Physical Therapy’s co-owner Susan Henning PT, PRC is a nationally recognized speaker on the topic of scoliosis management, was invited to present her work on the powerful combination of Schroth… Continue Reading →
Cutting Edge is Old News for Conservative Treatment of Scoliosis
I have spent the last year intensively studying, practicing and developing treatment for scoliosis using Postural Restoration and Schroth based Methodologies. Scoliosis is diagnosed when a 10 degree curvature of the spine is present. Since few U.S. pediatricians or spine surgeons are aware of the rehabilitation potential for scoliosis commonly utilized in Europe, families are… Continue Reading →
Susan Henning PT, PRC to Present on Scoliosis at National Symposium
Our own Susan Henning PT, PRC has been doing groundbreaking work towards improving the lives of people with scoliosis. Susan combines the Postural Restoration approach and Schroth based principles of spinal correction. She has had dramatic clinical results and has been asked to share her unique approach with other experts and practitioners in the… Continue Reading →
Scoliosis and Schroth Method of exercises:
This is a patient testimonial offered by the parent of a current patient at Advance Physical Therapy: C is a (13 yr old female) who had a scoliosis upper curve of 51 degrees and lower one of 45 degrees in Jan 2013. Two top Ortho surgeons in Raleigh both recommended surgery ASAP. We felt that… Continue Reading →
Another APT Therapist Certified in Schroth-Based Scoliosis Rehabilitation
The most recent class of physical therapists certified in Schroth-based scoliosis rehabilitation at Scoliosis Rehabilitation, Inc. with instructors Beth Orthwein, PT, and Beth Jannsen PT (front row). Our pediatric PT, Lisa Mangino, is in the second row on the left. As she returns to work after spending 9 days in Steven’s Point… Continue Reading →
Scoliosis and Schroth-based Method of exercises
These are the experiences from one of our families seeing us for the treatment of their teenage child’s scoliosis: “C (13 yr old female) had a scoliosis upper curve of 51 degrees and lower one of 45 degrees in Jan 2013. Two top Ortho surgeons in Raleigh both recommended surgery ASAP. We felt that surgery… Continue Reading →
“I can “smile” as before”
I had a smile from ear to ear when I read what this patient wrote about her experiences here at Advance Physical Therapy. I can remember the day this patient came in to the clinic with the help of her family, clearly in terrible pain in her neck, face and jaw. This patient works hard… Continue Reading →
Find a need and fill it. ~Ruth Stafford Peale
I have been a member of the Community Church of Chapel Hill for over 15 years. As a PT, I have occasionally visited church members in the hospital to help out if needed, I have adjusted a few canes over the years, and even seen a few members as patients in the clinic. However, over… Continue Reading →
Initial Thoughts following certification in the Schroth Method of Scoliosis Rehab
Jean and I have just returned from an intensive course on the physical therapy, 3-dimensional treatment of scoliosis in adolescents. This course, designed by the Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School, evolved from the Schroth method developed by Katarina Schroth, beginning in the 1930’s Germany. Techniques have been further refined by Christa Lehnert-Schroth, P.T., the… Continue Reading →
Advance PT Jumps at a Chance for Outreach in Guatamala
If you had a chance to go to another country and perform your same job in a place where you couldn’t speak the language… would you do it? A place where maybe they do your job a little bit differently, but where you had the opportunity to teach and share “tricks of the trade”? If… Continue Reading →
Schroth-based Scoliosis Rehabilitation Comes to Advance Physical Therapy
Wow! Susan and I just got back from 10 days of intensive training at Scoliosis Rehab, Inc in Stevens Point Wisconsin. We spent over 65 hours learning the Schroth-based Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School Method (BSPTS). This 40 year old clinic in Spain is directed by Dr. Manuel Rigo MD, PhD, a world renowned professor… Continue Reading →