Don’t Be Controlled By Your Focal Vision
“Powered Peripheral Vision”, Tips to Change Habits for Tension Relief
Adapted from Dr. Heidi Wise, PRI Vision, LLC
Focal vision refers to being focused on something small at any distance, from your phone to a golf ball far away on the green. Technology is partly contributing to our society becoming more focally near-sighted. The more you focus on a bright device 6-12 inches from your nose, the stronger those brain pathways become. Other contributors include being too busy, always striving to be faster, better, to do more, and not taking time to rest… your muscles AND your eyes.
Here are some tips to slow down, to be more mindful about what’s going on around you and to reduce eye tension and neck strain:
Take periodic breaks from seated tasks. Get up and move around.
Look away 20 feet from your computer screen every 20 minutes for 20 seconds.
Look around using only your eyes, not always your head and eyes together as a unit.
If you have to be in a small space for long hours every day (i.e. at work), get a picture of wide, open spaces and occasionally look at it noticing the distance.
Consider a postural ergonomic “check up” for the spaces you work in most.
Notice that as you strain to see something small (close or far) your head migrates forward changing the position of your skull relative to your neck. Over time this can cause pain and other problems. Think about pulling your skull backwards on your neck. Then relax it forward just slightly. Your ear should be lined up over your shoulder.
If you are near-sighted (your far away vision gets blurry without your glasses or contacts), walk in safe, familiar areas without your glasses on or contacts in and be OK with the blurriness. Do not strain to try to focus.
Read a book, not a tablet. Try to keep it as far from your eyes as is visually comfortable. If you have to read from a light source, dim the light as much as is comfortable and increase the font size.
(remember these?)
When you walk slow down, don’t focus on a narrow area straight ahead. Be aware of objects on both sides of you without having to look directly at them. Sense your body moving forward past objects and sense the objects moving behind you as you propel yourself forward.
If you spend time outdoors (recreationally or as a serious athlete) notice if you spend a lot of time focusing on something small very far away. If so, make a conscious effort to notice your surroundings, and peripheral vision more.
We actually spend our days thinking about and discussing these concepts (really!) and would be happy to talk with you more about your issues. Feel free to stop by or give us a call at Advance Physical Therapy: 919 932-7266.