Some days I’m amazed I actually get paid to have so much fun. It must be true: “Do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life”.
As quite a few of my patients happen to be accomplished ice skaters, I try to watch them in action whenever I get the chance. I spent a great morning at the Hillsborough Sportsplex with an phenomenal group of athletes ranging vastly in age and ability. Thanks to all of you for your participation!
I was able to go to the Sportsplex with a few tools at my disposal. The first is a platform called the “OFF-ICE EDGE” (no photo today – sorry but I’m happy to show it off at the clinic). With this device I am able to watch skaters, in their skates, as they closely simulate postures they are attempting when on the ice. With this “stop motion” advantage, I can easily spot postural flaws and core weaknesses, make corrections and then have them try it again, with a new mindset, on the ice. Very cool!
My second tool is featured in the photos. The simple action of properly inflating a balloon allows for fantastic activation of core musculature and helps athletes find those elusive core muscles, that are so critical for performance.
Thanks again everyone, for keeping me from “working”!
Jean Masse Genova DPT, OCS, ATC