These Recommendations are reproduced from the website of the Postural Restoration Institute to celebrate springtime
Lori Thomsen, PT, PRC
Hruska Clinic – Restorative Physical Therapy Services
1. Keep your hamstrings strong, especially on the left. (4 & 5)
2. Avoid overstretching your hamstrings (90o straight leg raise at the hip with the
knee straight). Have the ability to stand and bend over and slightly touch toes
(palms to the floor is too much).
3. Occasionally walk slowly up the stairs backwards to keep your glutes
symmetrical. (1 & 4)
4. Properly stretch your Achilles tendon, your toes, and your low back.
a. Heel to floor in the squat position (8)
b. Ankle stretch with shoes on and knees bent (7)
c. Pull great toe up
5. Concentrate on striding out with your right leg and left arm when running. (6)
6. Try to find and feel your right arch when running to assist with shifting to the
left. (4)
7. Perform Standing Resisted Wall Reach to stretch your back, latissimus, and
pectoral musculature. (3 &
8. Stand and shift your body weight over your left leg regularly, keeping weight
shifted through you heel. (4)
9. Keep your left lower abdominals “alive” by performing sidelying activity. (2)
10. Wear correct footwear. Wear shoes that support your heels and that have good
arch supports. Avoid wearing flip flops, sandals and wearing shoes that are
untied during the running season.
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