These are the experiences from one of our families seeing us for the treatment of their teenage child’s scoliosis: “C (13 yr old female) had a scoliosis upper curve of 51 degrees and lower one of 45 degrees in Jan 2013. Two top Ortho surgeons in Raleigh both recommended surgery ASAP. We felt that surgery… Continue Reading →
Schroth-based Scoliosis Rehabilitation Comes to Advance Physical Therapy
Wow! Susan and I just got back from 10 days of intensive training at Scoliosis Rehab, Inc in Stevens Point Wisconsin. We spent over 65 hours learning the Schroth-based Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School Method (BSPTS). This 40 year old clinic in Spain is directed by Dr. Manuel Rigo MD, PhD, a world renowned professor… Continue Reading →