I came to Advance Physical Therapy with 3 things I wanted to address and low expectations, as my issues have gotten steadily worse for years, and I hadn’t been able to figure out (either on my own or with professional help) how to address them. By the end of 8 months of treatment and 10 sessions, not only had all 3 goals been met or exceeded, but also my doubts had all vanished! My goals at the start were to 1) reduce the neck pain from an injury sustained months earlier, 2) reduce my headaches, and 3) help me exercise without worsening my headaches or increasing my fatigue. Within 1 session, Molly identified the root of my neck pain, and after implementing the simple intervention she provided and using some of the techniques over the next few weeks, my pain had entirely disappeared within 1.5 months and hasn’t come back since. The headaches were a little more stubborn to address, but over the following 9 sessions, I learned how to improve my breathing and body positioning during everyday life, which helped so much that my headaches went from happening >50% of the time down to less than 10% (and happening less often than once per week, down from 4-5 days per week pre-therapy). This has had an amazing impact on my quality of life that I cannot even begin to quantify. Multiple people in my life have noticed the improvement and can’t believe what an incredible impact this physical therapy has had. Finally, Molly was able to work with me to identify safe and regular forms of exercise to try, which I will be working up to. But in the meantime, I was able to do a 5 mile hike and a 10 mile bike ride without any headache or extra fatigue, which is an amazing improvement from before treatment. The tools Molly used for treatment were great. I loved that during sessions, she helped me find positions so that I could feel how my body should be positioned, so that I could implement the changes in my life after the sessions. I loved not having specific exercises to do, but rather mindfulness integrated into daily life which helped me make actual changes in my body. She even gave me the tools to prevent pain when/if it comes back so that I can take charge of my own health. I found every part of my experience of treatment with Molly enjoyable, and my life is much better for having gone to therapy. Thank you all at Advance Physical Therapy for helping me so much! I appreciate all that you have done for me.
Thank you so much.