Most persons wanting to access physical therapy services can do so without a physician’s referral. North Carolinalaw allows for “Direct Access” to physical therapy services; North Carolinahas had this law since 1985. This can save you time and money, by accessing the healthcare services that will help you feel better, sooner.
Person’s coming to physical therapy will present with a variety of signs and symptoms. Through appropriate medical screening and special testing, the physical therapist can evaluate a person’s medical condition, assess their physical therapy needs and, if appropriate, initiate a plan of care to treat the condition. When the client’s condition requires care beyond the scope of physical therapy practice, referral is made to the other health care professionals for consultation.
The physical therapists at Advance Physical Therapy welcome persons to call us, email us or just come in “off the street” to ask questions about whether physical is appropriate for them! Some insurance providers, including Medicare, do require a physician prescription before seeing a physical therapy provider. We will work closely with you to direct the health care you need.